(Editor’s Note: This is our last interview from SILO 20, which would have been a month ago now! Speed and punctuality are not our strong points it appears.)
Be it muso or punter, ARSE is the word on every punk tragic’s snarling lips right now. The admiration for this band transcends hype. I’ve seen countless seasoned punk bands quiver as they bear witness to ARSE play live, watching in disbelief at the back of a venue, totally absorbed by the simple but crushing ARSE approach to tearing the place down. I remember that the drummer of These New South Whales, Todd Sweet, once said that “The two best drummers in the industry are in the one band…” when talking about ARSE. In our last interview, Fat Dog and The Tits were absolutely rabid for them! I think that should give you an idea of what you’re missing out on if you haven’t already given them a listen.
I was lucky enough to sit down and chat with two-thirds of ARSE (the two cheeks maybe?), Daniel Cunningham (guitar and vocals) and Tim Watkins (drums), before their show at GRAIN’s SILO 20 to ask them five quickfire questions!
1. You get to hijack all the screens in Times Square for a few minutes just to play one song of yours, what song would you play to the world?
Daniel: Oh goodness! Well, I think it would have to one we have made a video for, right? It would be cool to see Johnso in Times Square on the big screens, So I think it would be cool to see Johnso in the song Night Shift Blues.
Tim: Yeah massive!
Daniel: We did this video with a really, really, awesome Sydney comedian by the name John Cruckshank, who is an absolute Sydney legend. Honestly, he is one of my favourite comedians, and sort of a friend of a friend, and he did the video for that track. It was his idea, along with the director Luke Smith, that they on collaborated together for a great product. It would be a really cool one to see that one on the big screens like that
2. What’s the one album that you’d choose to be sent off into space to be listened to by aliens as their very first taste of human music?
Daniel: The first thing that comes to mind for me is Fun House by The Stooges. I reckon that would be pretty cool, you know. Iggy Pop flying the flag for earth would be pretty good, and that album is just off the wall. It’s the first thing I thought of too. Do you have anything to add Tim?
Tin: No! Agree… I concur ha-ha-ha!
OB: Hands down The Stooges, that is a great choice.
3. If you had to choose another Australian artist to cover one of your songs for Like a Version, who would they be and why? And even what song would you chose?
Daniel: This is hard, this is a tough one. Tim, who have you got?
OB: I know of many bands lining up to do it if that helps.
Tim: This is a really hard question…
(They continue to deliberate)
OB: I’m a big fan of (your song) NRVSNRG.
Daniel: Oh yeah?
Tim: Yeah, someone to cover that would be sick. In their own way too, that’s the thing. Who would you say Dan?
Daniel: I’ve literally never thought of this… What about The Wiggles or something?
Tim: Ha-ha-ha! Nah…
OB: Well what about The Buoys? They have a massive soft spot for you guys?
Daniel and Tim: The Buoys! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Hell yeah, The Buoys! That would be mad!
Daniel: I respect them so much, yeah, lets lock that in! Definitely, we love The Buoys.
OB: So, The Buoys covering NRVSNRG? They are going to love when they read this.
Tim: And they would own it too!
4. Being 4/20 today, if you had the chance to partner with a dispensary and have weed strain named after your band, what would you name it?
Daniel: Oh geez, it would be like… Something off the new record… Did this go to our PR? Ha-ha-ha!
Tim: Shame Bomb!
OB: Yes, yes!
Tim: Because it’s just so hectic you just green out on it, and you’re ashamed you can’t handle how hectic it is. Yep, this is good!
5. The lineup for SILO 21 got announced the other day which meant I had to change this question, but if you had to put forward another Australian artist or band to play SILO 22, who would they be and why?
Daniel: I’m going to keep it in the family and say Party Dozen, that’s our bass player Johnno’s other band. And they are incredible. Easily one of the best bands in Australia, if you don’t know them, check them out. I think they were almost tapped to play this one as well. There was going to be a saxophone theme, with them and dust.
(I had previously given a full run down of the enigmatic stage energy Fat Dog and the Tits, and they had just started their set inside.)
OB: (I’m) hearing those Fat Dog sounds. Thank you so much, that was heaps of fun. And I better not hold you back from seeing Fat Dog, who are also massive fans of your work.
Daniel and Tim: Thank you OnlyBands!
Thank you to Dakota (@strictly.sentimental) for finishing off this round of interviews strong! More photos to come in the future.
Listen to ARSE’s latest release below: